Monday, October 25, 2010

undercover mother, one of my recent posts was re: the burp cloths for the newest addition in my family, my sister's daughter, so now she's realized that she'll be feeding baby K on the go and would like to have some cover from prying eyes without shelling out big bucks, and naturally, she called upon me, her fairy god-sewing sister for some help. I had previously never heard of this, but after googling it, the enigma was solved. I perused many blogs and tutorials and happily chose this @ Freshly Picked to follow. Add some pretty fabric from Hobby Lobby's private label, Brother and Sister Design Studio and the notions, (boning is a noun!) and I was ready to go. Freshly Picked's tut was in a word, AWESOME and as a beginner/intermediate/somewhat lazy sewer, I'm happy to report that it's turned out a lot like hers did. :) Unfort, it went so, sew quickly, I didn't even take time to snap work-in-progress photos, but I'll post the final product soon. Then I just have to hope that it meets my sister's approval too!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it!! Can't wait to see the pics!!! What a clever idea!! I now see the purpose of the boning (as a noun). :)
