Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Silver Surfer

Hey ya!!

Thanks for returning for another edition of 'what did she make this time'? This will be brief but I assure you, well worth the wait.

I've been inspired by so many fashionista DIY'ers out there and their upcycling (reusing, reducing, recycling into something new) and I've become obsessed with the shoe makeovers. I had this sad pair of black 'edgy' ballet shoes that needed some oomph, so I of course jumped into action after realizing that I had everything I needed, shoes I wouldn't mind sacrificing for a greater cause, and a can of spray paint, masking tape, and newspaper. Somebody gave me the silver and kept the gold for herself, so that is what I used... What is that song, make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold. Too true.

But I digress, here is the part we've all been waiting for.

yes, 3 unnecessary buckles make them edgy. take my word for it



Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Crafty humor

Happy February!!

I love offbeat comedy like Portlandia and when it intersects with crafting....well, let's just say you better watch this clip...I'm feeling inspired to make something awesome!